The Behemoth has made its (brilliant) back catalogue free-to-play on Steam for the next week. Castle Crashers, Pit People and Battleblock Theater are all available to play until April 1, and if they take your fancy, they're heavily discounted, too.
Castle Crashers and Battleblock Theater both have 80 percent discounts, while the more recent turn-based tactics game, Pit People, has a 40 percent discount. All are excellent, though I reserve a special fondness for Battleblock Theater - it's a brilliant puzzle platformer with a very intuitive level creator. If it's co-op laughter you're after, it's a must have.
In other The Behemoth news, the recently announced Alien Hominid Invasion got a lengthy livestream earlier today, with plenty of gameplay footage to sift through. The game doesn't have a release date nor window as yet, but there is a Steam page.